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What are Cycles?

Cycles are a natural part of life. If you have ever asked yourself why something is or isn’t happening in your life, it is simply because there is a cycle that is being ignored. Cycles work in pairs of strong and weak, negative and positive, masculine and feminine, etc. Any given cycle has two extreme polarities but may also have many sub-polarities. 

You have cycles moving within you, management teams and employees every single day. Now imagine that you and/or your executive team want to make key decisions and strategic planning for you or your company and its immediate and long-term future. Without an understanding of your cycles, no matter how many creative ideas you develop or plans that you implement, if it’s done at the wrong time and without knowledge of your cycles, it will not produce the desired results!

Group of managers reviewing information

How often have you tried to do something personally or within your business affairs and no matter how hard you tried, it did not produce the results that you were hoping for or meet your expectations? Or, how often have you had things just miraculously go your way and you found yourself asking, “Can I have this great fortune happen on a regular basis?” Well you can. Once you, your management team, employees, etc. learn your personal cycles, your whole life and the lives of others will change.

The Willpower Cycle, Mood Cycle and Fortune Cycle are the main cycles that have been proven to have a direct impact on the overall well-being of a company and its employees, an organisation and its members, small business owners, professionals, etc.

Click on each image below for details about that Cycle

Click here for Willpower Cycle overview
Click here for Mood Cycle overview
Click here for Fortune Cycle overview

Productivity   ---   Longevity   ---  Morale  ---  Teamwork  ---   Motivation

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